We create your web presence from logo to site appearance to billing to fulfillment. We can create your fully functional intranet; organize your company’s methods of communication, creating managerial efficiency and new levels of employee cooperation; and establish your archival database for quick and easy access within your company. We can create the graphical database for your catalog of ideas, products or information. We can create, manage, and enhance your graphical files and give them seamless presentation to the customer.

Our design team analyses your business philosophy and business needs. Because of our in depth, total approach your customers experience with the web site will give them the feeling of doing business with you personally. Ease of use and robust functionality combined with this personalized experience promote high customer retention.

We build web sites that demonstrate that customer loyalty is a function of supplier performance. We deliver true compatibility. We can create content as well as style. We create connections.

Broadwing completed a series of rollups in telecom services. Initially, Broadwing hired Hyperbole to solve software integration problems created by the acquisitions. Our "whole picture" vision caused Broadwing to award Hyperbole Creations continued contracts over 15 months debugging database software that had caused billing errors. These improvements increased customer loyalty while reducing customer acquisition cost. Additional implementations allowed for billing of premium services and re-capture of lost revenues.

Howard Sams was able to increase its publishing efforts through our implementation of a cross media output database that allowed for the creations of websites, CDs, and print catalogs using XML. The existing system operated without documentation, leaving management with no means of streamlining the work process. Our analysis improved work efficiency as well as increasing overall sales.

http://www.hyperbole-software.com/What we do